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It takes all sorts to make a world and all sorts to make a workforce too. Gone are the days when bosses just barked orders and employees scrambled to fulfill them. Now, an employee must be looked upon as an individual in their own right. For this, employers and HR management have to see what personality types they are dealing with.

The most commonly known personality types are, of course, introverts and extroverts. If the situation is somewhat severe, these two kinds of people may need special attention. There are a few tips on how to deal with them below:

1. Stop To Think

As a sincere leader, you need to take out time and consider the needs of your employees. What's more, you also need to communicate with them and empathize with their needs. You may not understand why an introvert wants to work alone, but you can respect his wishes.

When you're faced with different projects to be done, then, don't just start doling them out randomly. You should stop, ponder, and think about what task would be best for which individual. Don't worry about the extra time this would take. The employee satisfaction and booming productivity would more than make up for it.

2. Push. Don't Shove.

When you want to prod along one of the slower workers, pay attention to them. This would motivate them to get a move on their work. If they still don't respond, don't let it go. Pursue the problem and find out how to remedy the situation. They may need some coaxing out of their set methods if they are not doing their best where they are. This could take a lot of training and effort on your part.

At the same time, however, you need to understand that both introverts and extroverts don't like being pushed. If you put either out of their comfort zone all at once, it could make them miserable in the work environment. If they are getting their goals done within their own preferred environments, though, let them be.

3. Don't Misread

It can be easy to misinterpret the mood swings and idiosyncrasies of extreme introverts or extroverts. Introverts may come across as snobbish, unapproachable, and much too confident in their abilities. Extroverts, on the other hand, could irritate those around them by being too loud and too much in need of company.

In such cases, the whole workforce may have to undergo training. Everyone has to learn not to judge their peers for anyone, whether they are their lifestyle or their personality type. This is probably the only way peace could reign in the workplace.

4. Help Them Out

If you are in charge of both extroverts and introverts, you can help them succeed in the workplace. You can do this by placing them on teams that understand their needs and how they function best. In this manner, you would make sure they are able to utilize the skills they possess to the best advantage.

You could also try putting introverts and extroverts in positions where they can shine the most. For instance, an introvert would be miserable as a group leader, so enable them to stay where they’re comfortable. They may be able to progress just as much when wowing clients from behind the computer screen. For extroverts, the opposite is applicable. In leadership roles, an extrovert would blossom and present the company in the best manner possible.

Moreover, extroverts like to shout and share, so provide an environment for that. At the same time, make sure there is a safe space and a proper time slot for introverts to gather their ideas and present them in their own fashion.

The proper management of introvert and extrovert employees can be difficult. This is especially true if these personality types are on extreme ends of the sociability spectrum.
However, the effort is absolutely worth it in terms of the productivity and workplace morale boost. When you have happy employees, you have better work for the same packages.

Author Bio
Teresia Clark is a Pro Writer, Educator, and a Blogger. Being an active educator, she is involved in providing assignment help UK to students all over the world. She feels strongly about issues in student’s life and serves his help through writing and blogging. She is passionate about education technology and loves reading publications on the subject.