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Is Employee Retention Still Possible In A Job-Hopping Age? (Collaborative Post)
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Just a few generations ago, it was commonplace to find a good job and stay there for life. Unfortunately, this trend went out of fashion with a Millennial workforce who were more progression-focused than ever before and were liable to switch jobs every couple of years. 

This trend has continued with the Gen Zers who are soon set to account for 27% of the global workforce. Gen Z workers already switch jobs at double the rate of millennials, and have become dubbed as the ‘job hopping generation’. 

For employers, these regular staff losses can result in notable costs, which begs one pressing question – is employee retention still possible in a job-hopping age? Luckily, the answer is a resounding yes, and we’re going to consider a few things you can do to make it happen.

# 1 - Improve Onboarding

Great onboarding processes can boost employee retention by as much as 82%. This is especially true in an age when Gen Z employees may know their next career move before they even join your team. If you give them even one reason to look elsewhere, they probably won’t think twice. 

So, make sure your onboarding processes are inclusive and immediately engaging thanks to things like adequate training procedures, discussion of progression opportunities, and a generally welcoming atmosphere. You should also take steps to perfect things like new employee accounts on all company software well in advance of that all-important first day. 

# 2 - Prioritise Pay Transparency

Pay transparency is more important to Gen Zers than any generation before. As a modern employer, you'll want to make sure of fair, competitive wages, annual pay increases, and great benefits packages. It’s also vital to ensure that wages are never delayed or incorrect, as this could quickly see Gen Z employees seeking work elsewhere. 

Transferring your payroll to trusted accountants near me is one of the best things you can do in this sense. Trusting money matters to the professionals makes it a lot less likely that careless mistakes will ruin monthly payroll. It’s also far easier to implement company-wide or individual annual increases when experienced accountants are handling these money matters for you. 

# 3 - Find True Balance

Gen Zers are also the generation that most prioritises work-life balance. This is why many employers are offering flexible work arrangements now, but keeping Gen Zers onboard requires you to go one step further. 

Instead of simply offering remote work, you should consider how to boost engagement across remote teams who still need to feel like they’re part of the office. Equally, you should consider implementing things like wellness breaks at work. And, whatever you do, don’t make the mistake of emailing your Gen Z employees after they’ve clocked out for the day! 

Employee retention is becoming undeniably more difficult as Gen Z employees enter the workspace, but it is still possible to keep loyal, lasting team members onboard. Simply meet your Gen Z employees in the middle using these all-important tips.