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Is Your R&D Lab Dangerous for your Employees (Collaborative post)
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For many companies, the R&D lab is right at the center of what they do. They’re constantly researching and seeking innovations to bring to the market. 

But, of course, running an R&D lab isn’t as straightforward as many business leaders imagine. There are safety risks involved. 

That’s where this post can help. It asks whether your R&D lab is safe for employees and what you can do about it. 

Toxic Fumes And Chemicals

One of the biggest risks in R&D labs is toxic fumes. These volatile substances can easily spill out of their containers and get into the atmosphere, potentially harming colleagues. 

The best way to solve this issue is with a walk in fume hood. These are large enough to deal with the most significant gaseous emissions from around-the-clock experimentation. However, most labs also equip colleagues with respirators, especially during the primary reaction phase, just in case. 

Ergonomic Strain From Long Hours

Another risk and danger to employees is the ergonomic strain from R&D lab work. Unlike conventional desktop computers with mice and keyboards, workers are constantly having to adjust their height and position, depending on the equipment they are using, which can put their joints at risk. 

This isn’t a flashy problem, but it is a real risk for employees in these roles. As such, they require training and ergonomic aids that can help them thrive in challenging situations. 

Usually, labs have these. Adjustable stools are ideal for changing heights, while things like wrist guards and clipboards can also be useful (if there’s a lot of typing or paperwork involved). 

Slips, Trips, And Falls

Then, there is the issue of slips, trips, and falls. It’s not uncommon for lab staff to come crashing down to earth just because of the generally chaotic nature of the laboratory environment. 

Naturally, when staff members take a tumble, it can have a profound effect on their well-being, and they may not be able to return to work for several weeks or months, if they come back at all. 

That’s why it is so essential to have a spill and cleanliness policy in the lab. The spill policy tells staff what to do if a chemical pours out of its container into the environment. The cleanliness policy keeps gangways and other thoroughfares clear of debris and detritus that could lead to slips and trips. 

Electrical Hazards From Prototyping

Finally, electrical hazards from prototyping are a real concern in commercial labs. New products that haven’t been through extensive testing can be dangerous, especially those with electronics inside. 

Prototyping is progressing rapidly because of advances in 3D printing, but safety at a lot of companies is falling behind. Brands would love to do things the right way the first time around, but accidents happen when processes become non-standard. 

High-voltage circuits and jury-rigged equipment are particularly dangerous. Something as simple as a stray wire or circuit could lead to fire or electrocution. 

As such, it is critical to approach prototypes with caution. Efforts to isolate any electrical circuits should be made before handling.