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Turning Awareness Into Action: Top Tips To Generate More Conversions (Collaborative post)
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In today’s business landscape, brand awareness is the metric that matters most to marketers. It’s not hard to see why given that consumers now interact with hundreds of brands each week and cannot complete a purchase if they are unaware of yours. Nevertheless, visibility alone counts for very little if it isn’t followed by sales.

Therefore, learning to convert awareness into action should be an ongoing priority for all businesses. Implement the following steps and you won’t go far wrong.

Personalise The Online Experience

Digital marketing offers many advantages over traditional tactics. Perhaps most importantly, though, it allows brands to speak directly to the consumer. Dynamic content marketing is a particularly popular choice. It can adapt content to the individual user depending on their location, demographic data, or past user habits.

Dynamic content can make a brand seem more relatable to them. From highlighting the company’s ability to solve pain points to simply making them feel more valued, the benefits are plentiful. With a global digital ad spend of $601.84bn, going the extra mile is vital. Examples of dynamic content marketing that can help you are;

  • Personalised product recommendations.
  • Location-specific landing pages.
  • Gender-specific email content.
  • Location-based pricing systems.

A personalised experience will boost user engagement. In turn, can boost conversion rates for new sales as well as customer retention rates. It also removes the threat of consumers becoming confused about your brand messages due to irrelevant content. Even adding their name to email communications can make all the difference. 

Provide Better Human Interactions

By now, you should appreciate that employees are your greatest asset. Not least because they will be responsible for a large percentage of customer interactions. Whether it’s live chat and telesales or face-to-face connections doesn’t matter. Empowering your workers to deliver improved experiences can turn awareness into revenue.

After all, people buy from people. Firstly, only 39% of a sales rep's time is spent selling or interacting with prospects and customers. Addressing this by using automation for various admin tasks is a great first step to success. To ensure that your employees can provide the very best experiences, though, you must also;

  • Train them to ensure that all customers receive a fair experience.
  • Use your CRM to track past interactions and consumer behaviours.
  • Let employees be personable and show their initiative.
  • Create two-way dialogues and actively listen.

The value of positive interaction with the brand can’t be emphasised enough. It can streamline the path to conversion and leave prospects with a far more positive view of the company. As long as the right answers and recommendations are made too, this will establish a strong platform for potential sales. 

Create A Sense Of FOMO

A timer on a grey background

If your brand gains lots of traffic but little action, it may be due to a lack of urgency. When consumers have an opportunity to delay the transaction, they will. Sadly, this will often lead to lost sales as customers turn their attention to other products. You can overcome this potential obstacle by injecting a sense of FOMO (fear of missing out).

FOMO is a powerful psychological tool that can reshape your marketing efforts. In fact, 60% of millennials make reactive purchases due to FOMO. Consumers from other demographics often convert as a result of it too, not least because it forces them into making quick decisions. Here are some ways to create FOMO;

  • Run time-sensitive discounts and promotions.
  • Use social media influencer marketing to make consumers want to follow suit.
  • Consider limited edition products.
  • Utilise testimonials and customer reviews to create further social proof.

FOMO doesn’t just make prospective customers want a product. It makes them want it now. Encouraging them to make a quick decision will naturally result in some lost sales, but you should also create faster paths to conversion. Overall, then, sales revenue should improve even without the need to create multiple touchpoints. 

Give Consumers A Reason To Like You

To generate more sales, you have to put yourself in the consumer’s shoes and understand what they want. Research shows that 70% of consumers prefer brands that reflect their personal values. It creates a sense of common ground while also feeding into their goals to adopt better lifestyles. So, your trustworthiness and likeability will soar.

Now more than ever, achieving this brand image will translate to more sales. The rise in conscious consumerism and a desire to buy from ethical brands has been huge. As such, giving back to the community should become a key part of your brand DNA. Other ways to make consumers fall in love with the brand in a way that promotes coveted sales include;

  • Actively ask for their feedback and take note of the advice.
  • Create a positive and fair working environment for employees.
  • Be transparent in everything you do.
  • Show a commitment to continued development.

Consumers should be excited to be associated with your brand. If it gives them an opportunity to tell friends and family (or social media fans) that they use a brand that makes a difference, their views will change. Their positivity will boost the chances of future repeat purchases while also influencing others. 

Provide Quick Solutions

Finally, to show consumers that your brand is the right choice, it must show that it understands their need for quick answers. For starters, more than 60% of consumers expect next-day delivery options when purchasing goods online. Even when opting for customised items, today’s customers are far less patient than previous generations.

However, the demand for quick results isn’t limited to order processing and deliveries. Every step of the buyer journey should be smooth and fast. Chatbots are a great option as they provide a self-serve customer care solution that delivers instant results 24/7. Further steps that can satisfy the demand for faster interactions include;

  • Cart abandonment emails that let them resume a purchase from where they were. 
  • One-click payments and transactions.
  • Auto-fill details for their accounts or credit checking needs.
  • Automated SMS or email communications at each stage of the process.

Fast responses are particularly important when a consumer has an issue that needs resolving. It can turn a negative experience into a positive one, thus leading to further sales. Crucially, when you promptly answer a new lead’s questions, it removes the threat of them looking elsewhere.